Monday, January 12, 2009

2009 Resolutions

A small poster series I want to complete dealing with the 09 new year resolutions. I know how people love to stick with their resolutions!


I wanted to try a fun atmosphere in making a few "softer/general," imagery. I like this work lately and will try to make many more illustrations based on this idea. The first is an alien (outerspace alien, not alien like illegally in the country alien), robot, and dog.

Musica Pictures

This is work that I did a while back. Although I enjoy working like this, I sometimes go in spurts with the way I make pictures. I really like line work and music so this is my attempt with the two. I love trying new things.

Old School Work

This is work from an old school project called the "book," project. It was for an illustration class that required type and image, most students illustrate some sort of story book while I decided to make a special edition DVD that included illustration cards, DVD's and case, envelope, etc. It centered around famous Hollywood villains. Don't get me wrong, I love scary movies too, just don't get the wrong impression of me, I don't just make dark imagery, I love all kinds of art, so this was an attempt at that. It was also fun to experiment with different ways of illustrating!

Friday, December 12, 2008

The Beginning

Hello all,
I'm sure you can all figure out that my name is Kelly Sands. I figured I would join the blogspot world to post some of my artwork. I'm new to this so I'm sure I'll be a better poster in the future, but for now, I'm just getting down the basics!